Tourist information


Brasilia is located in the Midwest Region of the country. It is a planned city, was built in three years during the 1950s, an uninhabited area of the cerrado.
Its layout, created by the great Brazilian architect and urban planner Lucio Costa, is similar to the shape of abird or plane and is based on two axes of movement that intersect in the downtown area:Monumental Axis - contains the main government buildings and civic monumentsThe road - along which are the residential, commercial and functional city.The huge artificial lake, the Lake Paranoá, was created both as a recreational area and to mitigate theeffects of climate in the driest months.


The average minimum and maximum is 17 ° C to 28 ° C (63 to 82 ° F). The months of August and September are hot and dry and require special care, especially the consumption of enough water. In return,this time the setting of the sun becomes beautiful city, with shades of pink, orange and red. The months ofMay, June and July temperatures are pleasant (sometimes causes very cold in the mornings) and low rainfall, encouraging outdoor activities. On the other hand, in November, December, January and February are verywet, and when the cerrado vegetation becomes more lush and photogenic.

Tourist Information

The site of the city Department of Tourism has official information available to the visitor. The main tourist information office is located at the airport, where information can be obtained and maps of the city.
To receive help search for the Tourist Service Center - CAT - the following locations and / or phone numbers:
Airport - from 7.30 to 22.30 daily Tel: +55 (61) 3033.9488
TV Tower - from 9h to 18h daily
Headquarters of the Army - from 9h to 18h, from Monday to Friday.
Brasilia Shopping - 10am to 22pm, diariamente.Telefone: +55 (61) 3328.8699
Note: For now the service is being done only at the National Museum of Brasilia.


There are buses connecting the sectors of hotels to the most tourist attractions, but stay tuned to their schedules because a good part of the lines, run to 0h. The ticket prices vary in the Federal District from R $ 2.00 for travel within Brasilia, where are the main tourist attractions, and $ 3.00 for paths involving satellitecities. On weekdays, there is a minibus service, which is called "zebrinha" whose price is $ 2.00, with fastand convenient routes.
Schedules, routes and ticket values ​​can be found at the DFTRANS.


Brasilia has a limited subway system, which mainly serves to connect Brasilia to satellite cities, such asGuara, Clear Water, Taguatinga, Ceilândia and Fern. The main station is located next to the road. The fare is $ 3.00 and is open from 6 to 23:30 (extended hours in April 2007), Monday through Friday and from 7 am to 19h on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, when the fare is $ 2.00.
On the website you can consult the subway lines, timetables and fares


It is a good option, since the traffic is heavy and lacks parking spaces. Taxis are standardized in Brasilia in silver, white or gray, with green and yellow band, and in some cases are the only option available, forexample, at night, after the closure of public transport.The most recommended is to look for a taxi, or have on hand numbers central to request a taxi race. Unlikeother capital cities are more points, and is more difficult to find an empty street.Some numbers:
Radio Taxi Distrital :3353-5555 / 3376.8888
Brasilia Radio Taxi: 3344-1000
Radio Taxi Coobrás: 3224-1000
Radio Taxi Federal: 3376.8888
Shalom Radio Taxi: 3321-8181
Coopertáxi: 3344-3060
Unitáxi: 3325-3030
Radio Taxi Brasília: 3323-3030
Radio Taxi Alvorada: 3321-3030.

Three Powers Square

The Three Powers Square, at the Monumental Axis, is a landmark civic contains three major governmental authorities of the country, and some monuments.
Congress - Designed by Oscar Niemeyer is home to the Legislature. The main building is horizontal and has two domes. It houses the two houses: House of Representatives and Senate. Its interior is vast cultural heritage and landscape. Domes are located in the plenary, the House of Representatives of the convex and concave of the Senate. The H-shaped blocks are attached the two homes and have 28 floors.
Presidential Palace: Headquarters of the Presidency.
Supreme Court: The Supreme Court of the country.
Monument to Candangos: a tribute to those who built Brasilia
Model of Brasilia:  in the basement of the Plaza, is a great way to visualize and understand the urban layout of the city

Esplanade of Ministries

The cathedral and its bell tower - very bold architecture, holds a replica of the famous Pietà (Michelangelo's sculpture is in St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican) as well as being decorated with stained glass by Marianne Peretti in all directions. His cross top incorporates a fragment-called "cross of Christ." It is one of the largest postcards of the city, along with the Congress and the JK Bridge.
The National Museum Honestino Guimarães - formed by a perfect dome 90 meters in diameter, floating inside the external path without walls or columns from (part of the Cultural Complex of the Republic).
The National Library Leonel de Moura Brizola - with a total area of ​​14 square feet, five floors, study rooms, reading and working, auditorium and activity area for music and video, has one of the largest collections in the country (part Cultural Complex of the Republic).
Itamaraty Palace - the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is guided by its interesting interior, passing through beautiful and valuable works of art.

Other Attractions

1) National Theatre:
Pyramid-shaped, the sides have beautiful geometric volumes that play with their shadows during the day, by the artist Athos Bulcão.
2) The TV Tower:
Has an observation deck at 75 meters high, offers a 360 degree view of the city. At its core, there is a fair of crafts and typical Brazilian food.
3) JK Memorial:

4) Don Bosco Shrine:
Built in honor of the patron saint of Brasilia, St. John Bosco. W3 South, Block 702.Visitation: Every day from 8h to 18h.
4) Temple of Good Will:
The temple is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
5) Lake Paranoá:

6) Bridges:
Bridge of the graceful and stately herons JK Bridge, an incredible piece of engineering;
7) City Park:
Sarah Kubitschek Owner, Area 4.2 million square meters.
8) Catetinho presidential residence time of the construction of the city, preserved with period furniture:

At 0 km from BR040, range, with visitation from Tuesday to Sunday from 9 to 17h, including weekends. 
9) Park Bottled Water:
Created in 1961, is a green area of ​​30,000 hectares, full of trees, located 10 km from the Pilot Plan. At the site, in addition to two pools, you can track where you can get in touch with all the diversity of flora and fauna of the savanna, such as toucans, rheas, anteaters and maned wolves. If you want to know more about them, the Museum at the Visitors Center is a good one. You can also see several miquinhos through the site, however, be careful because you are used to human presence, often stealing snacks from visitors. In addition the park has an infrastructure composed of snack bars, grills, restrooms and guides. The trick is to arrive early because the park closes when the input reaches its maximum capacity. The cost is R$ 6.00 for adults and free entry for children. It is located in Via EPIA BR 040, km 9 Urban Military Sector. For more information, contact: (61) 3233-5322 or (61) 3465-2016.


In the winter months (July, August and September), when low moisture in the air, drink plenty of water to avoidunwanted effects of drought. Also, use lip balm and sunscreen and avoid strenuous physical activity in thehottest times of the day (11-16h).
The tap water is drinkable in Brasilia, with levels of quality and purity attested by numerous scientific studiesof UNB. The Brasilia, however, tend to take it filtered or opt for mineral water, due to the custom.
Brasilia is the only city in Brazil where 100% of the collected sewage is treated before being returned to the environment, demonstrating a timely concern with preserving the environment.
Brasilia does not have garbage collection.


Brasilia is a new city, which attracted people from all over Brazil looking for work. Residents in Brasilia studyand travel above the national average. During the week it is customary for people to meet after work for happy hour and, ironically, the best nights of the capital are usually Tuesday and Thursday.
It is very common to eat out, both in Brasília and in satellite towns.
Do not be surprised with the fact men spend sunscreen and lip balm daily, or more than once a day: the dryness in the city exceed the limits of 10% humidity during the winter months.
Typical programs Brasilia are "going to the bar" (no matter what, the city has hundreds) and "go to the barbecue" (on weekends, usually at the home of a friend)